We believe our faith should make us kinder, more compassionate & create in us a greater capacity to love.
Please join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30am (607 W. Main St., Medford, 97501). We also post our services here.

Connect with Others
For more information or to participate in any of these activities, please contact the Church Office Tues-Thurs 10-3 @
(541) 773-3691 or email churchoffice@medfordumchurch.org. To receive our weekly newsletter, with current information on church events and ministries, send your email address to churchoffice@medfordumchurch.org
Medford First United Methodist Church honors each individual’s journey in faith development. To that end, we offer a variety of opportunities to learn, support, and grow in our Christian faith. We als0 provide space and support for programs that seek to provide emotional, social, and cultural services to individuals or groups.
We welcome the Valley, the well-to-do and the struggling family, the retired older adult and the squirming baby; the dad who tells silly jokes, and the high-tech mom, white and black people and all the wonderful skin hues that are in between. Whatever your heritage, born here or elsewhere, we believe that diversity is a strength and reflects the creativity of God.
Christian Formation
We offer educational small group opportunities throughout the year, ranging from book studies that explore faithful responses to contemporary struggles facing the church and society to studies on the books of the Bible. Most classes are held on Sundays after the 10:30 worship service. Stay up to date on what we are offering by checking out our website and Facebook page.
United Methodist Women of Faith
United Women in Faith is a support and mission oriented community of women whose purpose is to know God. You are invited to monthly gatherings featuring a sack lunch, program, light business, and fellowship. Four smaller Circle Groups also meet monthly allowing participants to get to know and support each other in our faith journeys.
General Gathering: 4th Tuesday each month at 10:30 AM. Program begins at 11 AM.
Circle 1: 3rd Tuesday each month in the Fellowship Hall at 10 AM
Circle 2: 2nd Tuesday each month in the Fellowship Hall at 1:30 PM
Circle 3: 3rd Thursday each month in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30 PM in members’ homes*
Circle 4: 3rd Saturday each month in the Fellowship Hall at 10 AM
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men invite you to join them for coffee, snacks, study, and friendship at 9 AM every Thursday in the Fellowship Hall.
Our handbell choir, under the direction of JT Thomas, contributes to worship (monthly) with music throughout the service that enhances the worship experience. If you read music, are interested in learning the skills to play regularly or do substituting, and can commit to rehearsals, contact Barbara Geizler at chimes4601@gmail.com Rehearsals are Sundays at 4:30 PM.
Jammers (Old Time Fiddling)
Whether you have experience with music or not, Jammers offers two sessions to learn and play some music while getting to know others. Jammers may participate in worship occasionally with old time hymns, carols, or other special occasions. Other opportunities for performance (all skill levels) in the
valley are available, but not required.
SlowJam, for beginners, is 4-5 PM on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall.
Jammers, from 5-6 PM Tuesdays, is for those with a little experience who want to learn more tunes and play in a group.
For more information, contact Judy McGarvey at jmcgarvey@charter.net
Seasonal and Situational Events
As a dynamic congregation, we observe seasonal celebrations and other opportunities to live out our faith in service to, or communion with, others. Check our website periodically or like our Facebook page to stay updated on various opportunities for connecting with others.
These programs are supported by our community in the Fellowship Hall:
Boy Scout Troop 7 meets Mondays at 7 PM.
Cub Scouts meet Tuesdays at 6 PM.
Information about the scouting program can be obtained from Bruce McGarvey at bhmcgarvey@charter.net
AA Women’s Support Group
This group is hosted every Wednesday at noon in our chapel.
Serve Others
“We strive to be the hands, feet, heart, and mind of Jesus offering radical hospitality to the Valley.
Last Wednesday Community Lunch
On the last Wednesday of every month, at noon, the church hosts a full lunch open to all. If you’re interested in this event, you can support in a few ways:
● Join us. Come and eat and get to know folks in our community.
● Get the word out–tell friends, family, and coworkers.
● Volunteer to help with food preparation, set-up, or cleanup
● Bring empty drink bottles and aluminum cans (those eligible for deposit) and place in the large bottle
drop in the hall near the office.
Proceeds support both the monthly community lunch and the food pantry ministries.
Food Pantry
The church hosts a food pantry for those needing assistance. It is open every Wednesday from 12-2 PM, and offers a light lunch. This ministry relies on the donation of non-perishable foods. In general, items most needed are canned meat, fish, and other proteins (like peanut butter and beans); cold and instant hot cereals. Donations are accepted any time the office is open, or you can participate in our monthly Red Bag program. Fill up a red bag (in the entryway of the sanctuary), and return it on Communion Sunday (first Sunday of the month) or any Sunday you are able.
Pop-top Tabs Medication Support
The Women of Faith collect aluminum to help others pay for medications. A container is located near the office.
Flowers for Worship
You may sign up to provide flowers or greenery arrangements to add natural beauty to the altar table. These may be given in honor or memory of someone you love and noted in the bulletin. To sign up, locate the flower calendar in the hallway leading to the sanctuary. Select an open Sunday and leave contact
information. For further information, contact Kath Mitchell.